I love handbags. I love shopping. I hate handbag shopping. I can't do it online. I have to do it in store. I've got to touch the merchandise. My requirements are specific but today I tried to be open to what's in fashion. I really did. But I just can't do these open-top handbags. No zipper, no magnetic closure or no closure at all? The internal contents of your handbag all on display for anyone who wants to peek in? Nah, I think not. And as Anne Rice so aptly described in her novel "Interview with the Vampire" I realize how marked I am by my era.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
When You Want to Hug a Stranger in Dunkin Donuts
In Dunkin
Donuts there was a Young Woman sitting at the table next to me. She was talking
on her cell phone and upset because another girl had deliberately shoved her
out-of-the-way to get on the bus. And in an I-can’t-take-it-anymore moment she shoved
the girl back and they got into a fight. Tearfully she said, “This happens all
the time. I don’t want to fight. This is not who I am. I’m sorry. This doesn’t
happen when I’m with you. I feel safer with you.”
Monday, August 1, 2016
And How Are You Today? A Tale of Reverse Customer Service
First of all I had no
business being in Macy’s, especially the 34th Street Mothership. But
I was in the neighborhood, I needed a bra, and so there I was strolling through
the lingerie department like I had money and boobs.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
It’s Always the Year of the Asshole
At a
recent comedy show there was a table of disruptive people. They weren’t
heckling the comedians directly, just talking animatedly amongst themselves.
This seemed odd since this wasn’t a random bar show. It was a fundraiser with
tickets sold in advance. These people had chosen to be there and yet their
incessant chatter created a distracting undercurrent of noise that lasted the
entire show...
Monday, July 4, 2016
At the Cleaners: How the Everyday Can Just Flat Out Get Away From You

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Bitch, Am I Boring You?
And the Search for a Therapist Continues
After our second session I fired my therapist. Two meetings are what it took for me to see we weren’t going to work out. And I’d really hoped we would.
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